Friday, June 4, 2010

TNA pays off

TNA short

Doubled TNA size on the bump up waiting until momo upward was slowing

cover TNA , taking profit


bluecollartrader said...

Scott, Did you take the second short just prior to the rollover or just after, in this case?

Scott said...

bct- when it showed me red i doubled up

bluecollartrader said...

got it... thanks.
Liked the reggae links, btw. Brought back some good old memories. A guy who used to work for me in the early 1990's turned me on to it because it was all he listened to... a lot of Tosh, as I recall. At least I never had to wonder why his eyes were always red... :-) When I told him that I only knew Marley, he started bringing more of that to work with him. Mostly lost touch with it after he went back to Norfolk, where he was from. Old, hardcore blues was my thing back then; still favor it.