Friday, June 4, 2010


I always am open to learning new things so I thought I'd try to hold something a little longer than usual and see how it goes.

In looking for a new blog look I cruised through many other trading blogs and was struck by the fact that the vast majority believed that we are due for a bounce because we are in way oversold territory. Well I don't have expectations about what will happen next, but I thought the idea of a bounce when the sheer ferocity of downward motion when the markets fall lately must be scary for the average down dip buyers.

So with this conviction in mind I resolved to trade against these people by buying VXX and holding it today until I either got stopped out or a clear signal says sell it.

I learned or confirmed several things:

1. Having expectations affects your judgments.

2. It goes against the best principals of momentum day trading not to take profits when my gut tells me to.

3. I might make less money because I am not churning through fresh opportunities and momentum.

4. How in the hell does anyone swing or position trade? The risk and opportunity to get emotionally beaten up is way to high.

Anyway I had to sell and go back to my normal operating procedure to get back into my zone.

VXX was a nice winner though.


Bob said...

Heya - looks like you are having an awesome day! I like the new blog title - sheesh =)

Trying to figure out how to follow this new blog so it gets listed in my dashboard, but I might have to settle with the subscription.

Can I ask where you got those RSS subscription buttons?

Scott said...

DTF- The RSS buttons were included with the template. Do they work or not?

bluecollartrader said...

FYI- It's new and I know you're still working out the bugs.. the chill-out music links didn't connect for me... though it is easy enough to cut and paste to get there.

Bob said...

Yes - but they send the posts/comments to google reader rather than the blogspot dashboard. Maybe it is time that I get used to google's reader feature.

Bob said...

I just noticed two RSS options - I was referring to the ones on the bottom - did they come with the template?

The ones on top don't seem to work.

Scott said...

bct-all links work for me although they are redirected
dtf-rss on top dont seem to work, i cant change any colours or fonts or add a time stamp to posts either