Due to market conditions my game plan for the past little while has just been to scalp TNA and TZA during the day for .20 gains or whatever and then position myself for the last hour of the day low volume run up. I'm happy to do that as that is what the market is giving right now for the most part. However there are still stocks that run and present classic patterns to trade that actually follow through for multi dollar runs. Today SINA was one of those. Yesterday it was SVNT.
Watch the new highs/lows ticker and keep you eyes open for opportunities like these and set a stop so that if it doesn't follow through you can keep the loss small.
Trading is tuff these days, I wouldn't want to be a beginner trying to learn the ropes but if you can adapt and apply your system and edge successfully now then when or if the markets return to "normal" conditions it will all seem just too easy. Meanwhile bide your time and practice on the areas that need work.
1st chart SINA ascending triangle break to new highs
2nd chart SINA, sell into all the buying frenzy.