Monday, April 11, 2011


bot BIDU

sold BIDU


joshua said...

this one is driving me nuts. anyone else out there in cyberspace see this more of a short than a long?

Scott said...

j- the short already failed and if anything I was slow on the draw for the long. you'll have to get better at looking at the whole chart or you're gonna get eaten up.

joshua said...

here is what i am seeing... , the stock breaks morning lows around 10am but can't hold onto it into the 10:15 area. it starts heading back up. to me though, volume is trickling off, albeit lightly, not like this day... and the stock is heading into what is now resistance (the 10 am low support became resistance) actually about where you drew the red short line at 145.18 i would say is resistance . i would be looking for a short. i would not see the long at all. are you seeing something different? anybody else want to chime in?

Day Trading Fool said...

Josh - with you buddy on this.. at first glance...

But - the difference I am seeing now is the failed short on the 10:30. Volume picked up twice as it tried to hit new lows (10:20 and 10:30).

See it and believe it? It can only go up or down. Odds are that it was going to go up because it tried to go down and someone didn't like it.

The long signal is the 10:40.

Heh... so pro with hindsight =)

joshua said...

interesting dtf. i guess you could say it double bottomed at those points you mention. thanks for the input. even in hindsight i couldn't figure it out, lol.