Thursday, March 10, 2011


From yesterdays ERX short

to todays ERX cover


delgotit99 said...


You rarely do over night holds, what was your thought process for this one?


Scott said...

d99- I'm doing more lately and have a couple of killer shorts ongoing in a few high priced stocks that trade at elevated P/E ratios. Also some longs in inverse etfs.
Unlike day trading where I have no expectations of directional movement, in my swing trades I have to have an inkling of what I expect to happen in the future. This is a dangerous way to think (because no one knows what the future holds)so I go into the trade basically writing off the amount to my stop loss as I make the trade. Closer to pure gambling than trading.
I feel the underlying economic conditions mean more to me than charts in this respect.
The intraday momentum also is a telling indicator to me. The velocity of the moves gives me a pretty good insight on which way it is headed.
You could also print out your watchlist, close your eyes, throw darts at it and trade what they hit....