Thursday, February 10, 2011


RIMM exploded, I caught it late
but it turned into a good ride.

Sell RIMM into the up surge. Notice how the volume keeps pouring in. Keep watching it for later action.


Unknown said...

hope u are feeling better.I caught 2 sim trades in rimm today.Short at the 2pm drop after surge and long at the 3.25pm time in the evening.I got in at the third bar and still came out ahead.First time ive played short and long on the same day for any stock.thanks to you,im looking differently at this.

bluecollartrader said...

Cut into like a Christmas goose a few days ago and still trading at the computer. That's solid!

Scott said...

BCT - Well I've read a bunch of books, slept until I'm not tired, watched every episode of Star Trek and I'm bored. I can't ski, or bike or anything. I don't want to travel and sit on a beach just yet so I might as well trade!