Thursday, July 15, 2010

bot RIG

sold 1/2 RIG, hold the rest


Bob said...

Whoot! Bring it home!

Love this trade... 3000 shares; 2 bucks and change! I need one like that... one of these fine days...

And you take this all in stride. Go get'em brother. Two years of paper trading is nothing for these kinds of rewards. Thanks for posting these today.

joshua said...

whoa, i didn't realize that is what it did in just the last 1/2 hour! what a run. it probably went further than most of the 3x etfs.

dtf, patience and screen time. we'll get there.

Scott said...

dtf/j-most of the time it is wise to be conservative, this was not one of those times.i traded large size and i still have a supertanker full of BP shares left. fer fucks sakes there was 1-2 million shares a minute in volume on that rocketship. the shorts were covering and the longs were buying. win or lose, tomorrow is another day.

joshua said...

yeah man, i'm embarrassed to say i didn't even see it. i was just blinded by the green light and in awe. after the market broke the uptrend from 1030-3pm, i thought for sure it was going to lows. then that turn around. unreal.

or completely real. i guess with an open mind, it was real because anything is possible.

at the end of the day, i told dtf, "and that's why scott says don't take .30", lol! the problem is knowing when its going to run and when it isn't. i try so many times throughout the day to get something going. i wind up taking a small winner on the big run, because i am frustrated from letting so many profits slip away during the days action that i say to myself, "might as well lock the profit in when i have it". but of course that is not the right answer, and that is why i lose.

i know the right answer, you have shown it many times. it is just a matter of having the belief and confidence to implement it.